The modern world of windows and doors is a difficult and complicated territory to step into especially when trying to incorporate into old construction. Anyone who has spent any amount of time or effort trying to decide who to listen to and why can tell you it’s not easy. Every retailer has their sales pitch, and their team of sales people can be more interested in making a sale than providing the best advice and product to a consumer. Trying to sort out the difference between one window supplier and another is not easy, why invest your money with one manufacturer and not another, who does the installation and how do they go about it? You can buy the best windows available, and spend a lot of money on them, but if they’re poorly installed the difference between a good and bad window is seriously compromised. A retailer will have a relationship with one or more manufacturer and their interest can be more focused on that relationship than the one you think they are having with you. Of course, there are plenty of terrific suppliers and installers out there, but sorting the wheat from the chaff, for the average consumer, is nearly impossible. The more you look into it, the more confusing it can become. Manufacturers are bought and sold, their process changes, as does the quality of the product. The brand and marketing will appear the same, but in actuality the quality of the product is very different as management changes, and it’s almost impossible for the average consumer to understand or even see the difference.
A good general contractor will have relationships with many retailers, will have a finger on the pulse of the industry, and can provide options with many manufacturers not just one or two helping to steer you in the right direction. A good general contractor has spent years getting to know and understand the ‘ins and outs’ of windows and doors, and has typically seen many years of successes and failures in real life situations in dozens of houses, and can help educate you about what is good and what is bad. Of course, cost is one big determining factor when choosing new windows and doors to replace existing ones, but cost alone is a very poor determinant of what and why. A good general contractor will help you decide, and will do a far better job of measuring and installing new windows and doors than most others. This is simply because a good general contractor understands and cares about how a house works as a system, and knows what mistakes not to make and what the best way to ensure your investment is protected.
Windows and doors are important elements in today’s environment of energy efficiency, and after kitchens and bathroom make up the third greatest return on investment when renovating an older house. Getting the right advice, the right product, and the right installation done the right way are what new windows and doors are all about. Anyone can slap a new window or door into an opening where an old one was removed, but few can do it the correct way, and a poor installation is actually worse than leaving what was there alone.
We have deep experience dealing with window and door manufacturers and even more dealing with old houses with old windows and doors that need replacement. We can walk you through the process of understanding the what’s and whys of windows and doors, and we will install them properly so the benefit you expect will be realized and protected for decades.
Windows and doors are important elements in today’s environment of energy efficiency, and after kitchens and bathroom make up the third greatest return on investment when renovating an older house. Getting the right advice, the right product, and the right installation done the right way are what new windows and doors are all about. Anyone can slap a new window or door into an opening where an old one was removed, but few can do it the correct way, and a poor installation is actually worse than leaving what was there alone.
We have deep experience dealing with window and door manufacturers and even more dealing with old houses with old windows and doors that need replacement. We can walk you through the process of understanding the what’s and whys of windows and doors, and we will install them properly so the benefit you expect will be realized and protected for decades.